
opticbit307 reviewed xxROONxx

Trade with xxROONxx as the seller and opticbit as the trust agent.

opticbit307 reviewed xxROONxx

I have no other contact method for you…

There are Impersonators on telegram.

Did you check one of Charlie’s verified contacts to see if you are communicating with him on telegram?

He’s the creator of litecoin. Has plenty of money. Highly doubt the real Charlie is scamming.

Trade with xxROONxx as the seller and opticbit as the trust agent.

opticbit307 reviewed xxROONxx

Trade with xxROONxx as the seller and opticbit as the trust agent.

coblee125 reviewed xxROONxx

Trade with xxROONxx as the seller and coblee as the trust agent.

coblee125 reviewed xxROONxx

Trade with xxROONxx as the seller and coblee as the trust agent.

RobinHooD102426 reviewed xxROONxx

Trade with xxROONxx as the seller and RobinHooD1024 as the buyer.

RobinHooD102426 reviewed xxROONxx

Trade with xxROONxx as the seller and RobinHooD1024 as the buyer.

RobinHooD102426 reviewed xxROONxx

Trade with xxROONxx as the seller and RobinHooD1024 as the buyer.

RobinHooD102426 reviewed xxROONxx

Trade with xxROONxx as the seller and RobinHooD1024 as the buyer.

HAN15 reviewed xxROONxx

Trade with xxROONxx as the seller and HAN as the buyer.

HAN15 reviewed xxROONxx

Trade with xxROONxx as the seller and HAN as the buyer.

HAN15 reviewed xxROONxx

Trade with xxROONxx as the seller and HAN as the buyer.

artz18129 reviewed xxROONxx

Trade with xxROONxx as the seller and artz1812 as the buyer.

artz18129 reviewed xxROONxx

Trade with xxROONxx as the seller and artz1812 as the buyer.

artz18129 reviewed xxROONxx

Trade with xxROONxx as the seller and artz1812 as the buyer.

sllav8 reviewed xxROONxx

Trade with xxROONxx as the seller and sllav as the buyer.

sllav8 reviewed xxROONxx

Trade with xxROONxx as the seller and sllav as the buyer.

sllav8 reviewed xxROONxx

Trade with xxROONxx as the seller and sllav as the buyer.

lekyleky96698 reviewed xxROONxx

good buyer

Trade with xxROONxx as the buyer and lekyleky9669 as the seller.

lekyleky96698 reviewed xxROONxx

Trade with xxROONxx as the buyer and lekyleky9669 as the seller.

Alitupac0 reviewed xxROONxx


This review is not attached to a Bitrated trade.