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Window king
- vinyl windows, retrofit windows
- TfFcPuXdCSbUusywN7gytE9mhU8jzr1Z8M4
Business address 419 Main st, Suite B, Huntington Beach , CA 92648
Business phone 562-372-0219
Website URL https://www.windowkingla.com/
Keywords Vinyl windows, retrofit windows, new windows, window installers, window companies
Description We specialize in Retrofit Vinyl Replacement Windows and Sliding Patio Doors. All materials are custom-sized and fitted. Low E3 with Argon gas and self-locking latches. Screens included. Licensed, Insured, and Bonded work being performed. Serving the Greater Huntington Beach, Long Beach, Los Angeles markets. Riverside County, Long Beach, as well as Santa Monica
Business Email info@thewindowking.me
Instagram http://instagram.com/lawindowking
Facebook https://web.facebook.com/windowkingla?_rdc=1&_rdr
Hours M-Sat 8-6 Sunday 10-3
Payments All cards accepted, check, cash