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Activity feed
vamendoza1 reviewed SrPoliloco
Todo en orden recomendado
Trade with SrPoliloco as the seller and vamendoza1 as the buyer.
vamendoza1 reviewed rmoraos
todo bien
Trade with rmoraos as the trust agent and vamendoza1 as the seller.
vamendoza1 reviewed SFloresace
perfil dudoso
Trade with SFloresace as the buyer and vamendoza1 as the seller.
vamendoza1 reviewed rmoraos
Todo muy bien.. Excelente
Trade with rmoraos as the trust agent and vamendoza1 as the seller.
vamendoza1 reviewed emmanuelsanchez
Trade with emmanuelsanchez as the buyer and vamendoza1 as the seller.
emmanuelsanchez4 reviewed vamendoza1
Trade with vamendoza1 as the seller and emmanuelsanchez as the buyer.
vamendoza1 reviewed rmoraos
Trade with rmoraos as the trust agent and vamendoza1 as the buyer.
vamendoza1 reviewed joelpadronc
Trade with joelpadronc as the seller and vamendoza1 as the buyer.
joelpadronc5 reviewed vamendoza1
Trade with vamendoza1 as the buyer and joelpadronc as the seller.
rmoraos127 reviewed vamendoza1
Trade with vamendoza1 as the buyer and rmoraos as the trust agent.
vamendoza1 vouched for gerardo15
Recomiendo ampliamente a gerardo para negociar hemos realizado hasta ahora una negociacion pero todo 100% en orden… Full recomendado
vamendoza1 reviewed servidigital
Trade with servidigital as the trust agent and vamendoza1 as the seller.
vamendoza1 reviewed mponce
Todo bien recomendado
Trade with mponce as the buyer and vamendoza1 as the seller.
vamendoza1 linked an external account
Victor Mendoza
Victor Mendoza
- 0.6% base fee
+ 0.001 BTC dispute fee - ranked #789, top 1%
- 39 total, 100% positive
- 4 total vouches
- TezwTTqWzN8oP3nSZDvNvzeULHKpKrHrX9W