Christopher Franko - Franko is the Future
Benjamin Bradley - The Professor at
Mario Dian - Bitcoin Enthusiast
Corey Phillips - Associate Software Engineer
Rory Renton - A traveling mad inventer and bushman
Viacheslav Bakshaev - Working at Octillion S.A.
Đorđe Marčetin - Crypto Radical - Utopist - Techno Freak - Border Tester
Glen Cooper - Owner of bitcoin firstbits 1GLENCo
Marcelo R. Bianchi - Developer, Investor, Trader, Forkextractor, IOTA
Philip Saunders - Founder & CEO of Pax Directory
Andreas Tasch - developer, entrepreneur, never stopping learner
GrayMatterOnline LLP - Digital Marketing & Cryptocurrencygr
Aran - Software developer and Linux administrator living off grid in southern Brazil
Hamid Saeed - Senior Software Engineer
Elisa Marin Garcia - Informática y negocios online