David Stancel - Bitcoin, Blockchain and Cryptocurrency Enthusiast
Rex Kempcke - Alternative finance and renewable energy entrepreneur
Rayan Goutay - Regulatory Advisor | FinTech & Crypto Counsel |Arbitration
Polite. Professional. Straightforward.
Arun - technology enthusiast
Web developer and crypto enthusiast
Francois - Private & secure bitcoin arbitration services
Marcelo R. Bianchi - Developer, Investor, Trader, Forkextractor, IOTA
Lee - Integrity is Key
Oded Leiba - Software Engineer at Colu
James Lindsay - Horticulturist, adventurer, bitcoin enthusiast
Rafael Angelo M. Padilla - Attorney
Ammar Alomami - Technology enthusiast | Independent programmer
Alessandro Anzalone - "In fondo non c'è idea cui non si finisca per fare l'abitudine." -A. Camus
Aviation, fitness and web technology enthusiast