Ruan - Goodsflow co-worker at IKEA Group
Definitively a crypt keeper.
Dominic Quick - I work for BTCPOP and in love with BITCOIN!!!
Max Kordek - Crypti, Bitcoin, Entrepreneur, EE Student @RWTH
Brian Phan - @ SecuraCoin
Rupert Hackett -
Joaquim Muchaxo - experienced IT freelancer
Dale Hubbard - Writer, Internet, E-Commerce & Crypto Entrepreneur
Iancu Aurel - Full-time cryptocurrency advocate.
Bitcoin Early Entrepreneur and Developer
Bitcoin Veneto Team - Bitcoin Veneto Center in Veneto, Italy
Saffron Bacchus - Pornographer
CoinX4 - Professional Bitcoin Exchanger
Fco. Javier Sánchez Gil - systems engineer enthusiastic about bitcoin
London based Bitcoin Enthusiast and Trader. Bitcoin...... man! What a ride!