Christopher Greer - Attorney
Carlos Vivas - Technology Adviser
Bitcoin trader offline and online. Long term investment is the goal.
Rafael Angelo M. Padilla - Attorney
Todd White - Executive Director at CRINS-SINRC
∫Ωπ™ - The Original SiFu
Preston Butcher - Private and secure bitcoin arbitration services
Waleed Hassanien - LL.M International Business Law consultant
LOREMIPSUM - asfpaiujert9u4ptiljrlgjnldkjhasdjfp9u3-9urljfefekfh'08590358699
Rationale person with both objective and softskills.
Legal Practitioner; Blockchain Developer
Aram Aghababyan
Arthur Dedels - Lawyer (English solicitor specializing in arbitration and litigation)
Criminal, The Smooth - Arbitration, Escrow, Trust Agent, Torigon DW, DN