Entrepreneur, Bitcoin Enthusiast, Investor, Student, Teacher
edd128 vouched for theleximus1
I met Alex in June of 2014 to sell him some bitcoins. Since that time, he’s done more than anyone else I know to spread Bitcoin adoption in San Antonio, myself included.
Zukaza53 vouched for theleximus1
Alex is someone I owe a lot to. This man is a beacon of pure optimism and hope whom I’ve deferred to for my endeavors. Get to know him and you’ll understand.
markytx30 vouched for theleximus1
Alex has an amazing enthusiasm for all things Bitcoin.
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No matter what you are going through, I wish that all the bad things go away from you and happiness comes to you. Have a nice day dear! Thanks you for voted my site:
Alexander Eaton
- 0.5% base fee
+ 0.75% dispute fee - ranked #76, top 1%
- 5 total vouches
- ccn, cryptoart, bitcoin, teacher, integration
I currently teach all things Crypto from the History of Bitcoin, Integration for businesses and what the Blockchain can do for the future. Located in San Antonio, TX
I love life and am willing to learn just about anything that captures my interest - whether it be mechanics, medical, IT, gardening, adventure, Bitcoins (my latest fascination), or travel. I like to think of myself as a jack or all trades, and overall strive to make the world a better place.
I served seven years in the Army worked my way from Private to Sergeant and was honorably discharged in 2012. Those seven years were spent as an Army Medic where I was sent to Iraq and surrounding areas; Upon my return, I worked in an Army optometrist office, helped managed a physician’s office, and my final position was shadowing and transitioning disabled, and high risk soldiers as they were being discharged.
I am currently l am getting certified in A+, Networking+, and Security+ through the Transition Training Academy™ (TTA), a hands-on Wounded Warrior program helping Veterans learn information-technology (IT). I also attend the University of Phoenix, where I will receive my B.S. in Business in 2015.
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Coinbase level 3 user
alexander eaton
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alexander eaton
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Alex Eaton