Activity feed

chongsetdmt-2 vouched for theleximus1

No matter what you are going through, I wish that all the bad things go away from you and happiness comes to you. Have a nice day dear! Thanks you for voted my site:

edd128 vouched for theleximus1

I met Alex in June of 2014 to sell him some bitcoins. Since that time, he’s done more than anyone else I know to spread Bitcoin adoption in San Antonio, myself included.

theleximus1 vouched for edd

I would not be in bitcoin if it was not for EDD, I consider him one of my mentors, and a friend. we have done plenty of work together, and will continue, very trusted in our community

theleximus1 linked an external account

theleximus1 linked an external account

theleximus1 vouched for markytx

Mark has been a vital part of our local Bitcoin meetup since inception. He has helped us set up the San Antonio Bitcoin Center, and is valued and trusted by our community.

markytx30 vouched for theleximus1

Alex has an amazing enthusiasm for all things Bitcoin.

Zukaza53 vouched for theleximus1

Alex is someone I owe a lot to. This man is a beacon of pure optimism and hope whom I’ve deferred to for my endeavors. Get to know him and you’ll understand.

theleximus1 vouched for Zukaza

Andy is one of the emerging stars in the Bitcoin field that I’ve come across. Not only is he a great friend, he is the best business partner I have ever had. He is a true creator, and someone I trust with my private key. Yeah really.

theleximus1 reviewed Zukaza

Andy is one of the emerging stars in the Bitcoin field that I’ve come across. Not only is he a great friend, he is the best business partner I have ever had. He is a true creator, and someone I trust with my private key. Yeah really

This review is not attached to a Bitrated trade.

theleximus1 linked an external account

theleximus1 linked an external account

theleximus1 linked an external account