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Instructions to fix the Electrolux washing machine that does not open the door properly. Electrolux washing machine cannot open the door is one of the unexpected situations that many users encounter during recent use. If you are asexually in this unexpected situation, follow the following sharing to have the most accurate way to fix it! How the Electrolux washing machine door works. The washing machine door switch is a fairly simple structure but occupies an important and indispensable task because it helps your washing machine operate safely. When you start the washing machine, it means that your power switch has received the command. The washing machine door will now be disabled, meaning you will not be able to open the door anymore. Normally, with a washing machine that uses a 3-pin door switch, at the end of the washing program, it takes 2-3 minutes for the quartz to release the door latch to slide through to release, then the washing machine door can be opened.
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However, if the Electrolux washing machine does not open the door after the above time has passed, it is likely that the machine has been damaged. The possible causes are as follows. The reason why the Electrolux washing machine does not open the door. Due to the weather: In the North, the humidity is often very high, so the door switch is flickering, often not releasing or taking a long time to release. Switch failure rates in the South are generally less due to lower humidity. You forgot something in your pocket, you need to get it urgently, but the machine is running and the door is locked at this time. To set the safe mode during the washing process, the washing machine will not be able to open the wings until the washing is complete. If you try to use strong hand force to open it, you can knock the door handle and the replacement cost is not cheap. Due to the control circuit, there are sometimes errors on the control board, the components related to the door switch feedback line work incorrectly, leading to the door switch closing and releasing continuously but not opening due to the latch. Safety on the door switch is always closed and released continuously.
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Because the safety latch on the door switch is oxidized, the dirt makes the latch difficult to close up and down. There are many times when the quartz is released, the contact is open but the safety latch does not retract, resulting in the iron handle of the door handle not being able to slide out and the trigger of the door handle being stuck, preventing the Electrolux washing machine from opening. Get the door. Because the iron lever is heavily dusted, the sliding ability of the door lever is difficult even though the safety latch is open, but this iron lever cannot slide back to the release point of the door handle, making the door unable to open. Due to voltage. Low pressure can also lead to the door switch flickering and not working properly, the door switch quickly failing. This cause is more common in inverter models than other Electrolux models. Due to the trigger beak of the door handle. Usually some inverter lines are prone to, due to strong opening and closing many times, this trigger is braked by 2 opposite springs. When fully open range, but the trigger beak still has not escaped from the iron lever in the switch. Leads to difficulty opening the door, the batch is not chipped.
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With the above reasons, there are causes you can fix by yourself, there are errors you need to call for warranty or qualified technicians to support, to avoid aggravating the situation by yourself. Here are some simple ways to fix the error that makes the Electrolux washing machine not open. How to fix the problem of Electrolux washing machine stuck door. For older washing machines, the machine does not have a hot open mode, first open the top cover, then select and press the switch latch so that the slider on the switch slides through and open by hand. In case the latch cannot be opened, use the tip of the trigger inside until the door can be opened. For the first new machines, wait for the washing machine to open: Maybe after a long time of use, your washing machine becomes lagged in the control commands. So try to wait patiently for about 1 to 5 minutes to see if the machine can open the door. If the door still won’t open, for the front-loading washing machine you should call the service or technical support because they have the expertise and make sure that you do not forcefully break the door latch of the washing machine, causing additional repair costs.