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This guy been fantastic with me in trades on Localbitcoins, without a doubt a top man

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A reliable and professional member of the cryptocurrency community.

bbhgreb32 vouched for spedge

UK-protrader group member, professional trade provider & trustworthy

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spedge reviewed Kazama888

Experienced, professional, reliable and honest a focal point for all your bitcoin needs

This review is not attached to a Bitrated trade.

Kazama88841 vouched for spedge

Superb trader. Friendly, impartial and very helpful

Kazama88841 reviewed spedge

Fantastic guy. So great, i’m not too p*ed about losing trades to him.

This review is not attached to a Bitrated trade.

spedge vouched for Kazama888

A valued and honest member of the bitcoin community.

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spedge linked an external account

spedge linked an external account

spedge linked an external account