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Swagatika Sahoo
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Latest B.Tech/ MCA Final year Projects List for ECE, CSE,IT, E&I and EEE Engineering Students in Bhubaneswar, Odisha B. Tech/M.Tech/Engineering/B.Sc/MCA students in the third and fourth years of Computer Science and Engineering (CSE), Computer Engineering (CE)/Computer Science (CS), Information science and Technology (ISE/IT), and Electronics and communication Engineering and (ECE), Electrical and Electronics Engineering, in the final year, students get to put their theoretical knowledge to build the real time application. And with 9 years of IT execution experience with implementing global web/ mobile/client server applications, we will make you do one of best IT projects which is relatable to the real world work. FINAL YEAR PROJECTS AN IMPORTANT COMPONENT IN THE MIXING OF TECHNOLOGY KNOWLEDGE with PRACTICAL EXECUTION EXPERIENCE to prepare yourself for a GREAT career and Entrepreneurship.
At Techctice ( we will teach, train, work with you to make this project customised as per your requirements, we will also give you a copy of it to submit and necessary document files so you get ready for the interview calls. Do you know companies will hire you based on what projects you have worked before? That’s important because engineers can showcase their talent by doing innovative projects that strengthen their profile and increases the chance of employability. Final year projects are the gateway to showcase their skills and how they stand apart from others based on past experience and can become productive engineers. We support the students both offline and online. Final year projects outcome: • Student’s work together in groups and they learn to collaborate and working teams • They get to work with real time business problems. • Final products resulting from project work can be shared with the community which helps to address the real world problems. • Networking IT professionals, customers and business enthusiastic to access future opportunities. • Get connected with the best in town Mentors. • Helps to build the best project portfolios for your future jobs. • Students will have an opportunity to apply their knowledge to solve the real-time problems of society through project-based learning rather than problem solving activities that will not yield any required outcome. • An engineering project activity is carried out in conjunction with an IT company can provide you great exposure and will make you job ready. For more details please contact us: Phone no : +91-977-629-9777 Email: ;;