
nadav215 vouched for ripper234

Trustworthy member of the Israeli Bitcoin community. I’ve known Ron for more than a year now, and met with him in-person on many occasions.

arielh170 vouched for ripper234

In Ron we trust

MeniRosenfeld166 vouched for ripper234

A man of honor.

oferrotem155 vouched for ripper234

Ron is a friend and an easy vouch :)

jonklinger139 vouched for ripper234

I know Ron, he’s a good guy.

Bit2c137 vouched for ripper234

We can vouch for Ron.

vorandrew119 vouched for ripper234

Heavily invested in bitcoin since the beginning

Guru117 vouched for ripper234

I V 4 Ron…

yregev117 vouched for ripper234

A friend.. Trustworthy and Honest.

Gitai106 vouched for ripper234

Know Ron for a while now, I Trust him.

serje89 vouched for ripper234

He is a good guy!

tombigel85 vouched for ripper234

I know the guy for a while now. Totally trust him.

ohad71 vouched for ripper234

I trust Ron

elichai266 vouched for ripper234

In Ron we trust :)

david65 vouched for ripper234

Ron is an open, smart, and honest prominent pioneer of the bitcoin cummunity in Israel. I met him in person at countless bitcoin related events since january 2013.

niv20 vouched for ripper234

I vouch for Ron.

theglider13 vouched for ripper234

I was impressed by Ron. Seems trustworthy. Vouch me ..

Am1chay5 vouched for ripper234

Good guy as far as i hear, only know him from fb and some bitcoin activities in israel.

lsb1084 vouched for ripper234


rxmedsondemand2 vouched for ripper234


arnavbunny1 vouched for ripper234

I know him. Good and Honest guy. Trustworthy !

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