Activity feed

rdymac vouched for jmiehau

Jorge is one of the most active Bitcoin enthusiasts I know, with years of knowledge in Bitcoin and related technologies.

eduardo97 vouched for rdymac

Cofounder of, he’s a trusted and respected member of the Bitcoin community locally in Spain and all around Europe, and also in his home country of Venezuela.

eduardo97 reviewed rdymac

Have been doing trades with Randy for years, since we first met, he paid for my drink and I gave him 0.5 BTC :-)

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josem10968 vouched for rdymac

Excelente persona en los negocios

rdymac linked an external account

daverod2433 vouched for rdymac

founder of “bitcoin Venezuela” contributor electrum project portfolio. and evangelizing the Bitcoin

bitven11 reviewed rdymac

Know him a while ago as Administrator of Bitcoin Venezuela’s Facebook group with an impeccable reputation.

This review is not attached to a Bitrated trade.

MoviVe68 reviewed rdymac

Excellent user, trader and Bitcoin Evangelist, A1!!!

This review is not attached to a Bitrated trade.

rdymac vouched for coblee

Amazing colleague! With well earned trust. Looking forward to meet him in person.

rdymac linked an external account

rdymac linked an external account

rdymac linked an external account