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purequality4u reviewed rmoraos

Excellent, Professional. Recommended

Trade with rmoraos as the trust agent and purequality4u as the buyer.

purequality4u reviewed bigchirv

Excelente vendedor, muy responsable. Lo recomiendo.

Trade with bigchirv as the seller and purequality4u as the buyer.

purequality4u reviewed rmoraos

Excellent friend. Recommended

Trade with rmoraos as the trust agent and purequality4u as the seller.

purequality4u reviewed vibit

Excelente persona, queria enviarme el dinero sin esperar el producto y sin usar bitrated. Lo recomiendo. Persona de mucha confianza

Trade with vibit as the buyer and purequality4u as the seller.

purequality4u reviewed rmoraos

Excellent Human being…Recommended

Trade with rmoraos as the trust agent and purequality4u as the buyer.

purequality4u reviewed bigchirv

Pura Calidad…Full Recomendado…

Trade with bigchirv as the seller and purequality4u as the buyer.

purequality4u linked an external account

vibit7 reviewed purequality4u

Excelent person

Trade with purequality4u as the seller and vibit as the buyer.

purequality4u vouched for rmoraos

Persona correcta en los negocios, siempre dispuesto a ayudar y a cuidar que todo salga bien para la comunidad bitcoin donde participa. Ampliamente recomendado. Muy apegado a las normas en pro del mejor desarrollo de todos.

purequality4u reviewed rmoraos

Tremenda ayuda…Estuvimos por bastante rato haciendo una transaccion, pero sobre todo aprendiendo mucho de la experiencia de Rafael y su motivacion natural para ayudar. Gracias

This review is not attached to a Bitrated trade.

elbrothermiguel4 reviewed purequality4u

Exelente lo recomiendo!!!!

Trade with purequality4u as the seller and elbrothermiguel as the buyer.

miguel4567130 vouched for purequality4u


purequality4u joined Bitrated