poly33 Business Developer for Digital Currencies & Decentralized Markets activity0 reviews1 vouch4 accountsLinked accountsTwitter 1758 followersPolyCoins (Poly Coins)Created 11 years agoCoinbase level 1 userPolyCoins (Poly Coins)Created 11 years agoBitcoinTalk activity: 14Poly CoinsCreated 11 years agoFacebookPoly GuerreroRank ranked #1262, top 1%Web of Trust 1 total vouchesTags digital currencies, decentralized markets, openbazaar, ziftrcoin. e-commerceJoined Bitrated 9 years agoSIN TfC4xW2zwobYiwhhJudUv6mnm9kxNtxVPBF I help organizations and individuals get onboard with digital currencies (Bitcoin & AltCoins) , blogchain apps and decentralized global markets, like OpenBazaar.