Activity feed

optimuscrime reviewed anubis

Trade with anubis as the seller and optimuscrime as the trust agent.

optimuscrime reviewed puppetmasterr

Trade with puppetmasterr as the buyer and optimuscrime as the trust agent.

optimuscrime reviewed morningdew

Trade with morningdew as the seller and optimuscrime as the trust agent.

Paleo0 reviewed optimuscrime

This review is not attached to a Bitrated trade.

Paleo0 vouched for optimuscrime

Fair arbitrage

Paleo0 reviewed optimuscrime

This review is not attached to a Bitrated trade.

Paleo0 reviewed optimuscrime

This review is not attached to a Bitrated trade.

Paleo0 reviewed optimuscrime

This review is not attached to a Bitrated trade.

Paleo0 reviewed optimuscrime

This review is not attached to a Bitrated trade.

Paleo0 reviewed optimuscrime

This review is not attached to a Bitrated trade.

optimuscrime reviewed Paleo

Trade with Paleo as the buyer and optimuscrime as the trust agent.

optimuscrime reviewed Paleo

Trade with Paleo as the buyer and optimuscrime as the trust agent.

optimuscrime reviewed kingskrupellos

Trade with kingskrupellos as the seller and optimuscrime as the trust agent.

optimuscrime reviewed sazo

Trade with sazo as the seller and optimuscrime as the trust agent.

sazo2 reviewed optimuscrime

communicative trust agent and always available. thanks for the good service! will definitely use your service again!

Trade with optimuscrime as the trust agent and sazo as the seller.