Activity feed

chongsetdmt-2 vouched for mikexine

No matter what you are going through, I wish that all the bad things go away from you and happiness comes to you. Have a nice day dear! Thanks you for voted my site:

BitcoinVeneto43 vouched for mikexine

Very trusted user, I know him in person, good guys

mikexine vouched for BitcoinVeneto

trusted and friendly person!

mikexine vouched for bertani

I know him in person, he’s a really trusted guy in the whole community.

mikexine linked an external account

mikexine linked an external account

mikexine vouched for Anonymous39

I know him personally, he’s a good and trusted guy :)

Anonymous3959 vouched for mikexine

met him in person, i trust him

mikexine linked an external account

mikexine linked an external account