mikefrontend55Web & Mobile agency UI/UX Design and Frontend Dev. activity0 reviews1 vouch6 accountsLinked accountsPayPal verifiedMiguelangel Suarez CassiramCreated 10 years agoTwitter 1252 followersMikefrontend (Mike SC)Created 15 years agoFacebook 314 friendsMiguelángel SCCoinbase level 0 usermsc_oQ_b8w (mikefrontend)Created 9 years agoGitHub 0 starsMikefrontendDev (Mikefrontend)Created 11 years agoGoogle+Mike SCMikefrontendRank ranked #595, top 1%Web of Trust 1 total vouchesTags bitcoin, web designJoined Bitrated 9 years agoSIN Tf2AyVMKiFpFRCsB4j9EHQkjfZTFsDUYj4c