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jtnalvarado28 reviewed miguelmorales85

No se puedo concretar la operación por inconvenientes con Amazon.

Trade with miguelmorales85 as the buyer and jtnalvarado as the seller.

drbitcoinve103 reviewed miguelmorales85

Trade with miguelmorales85 as the buyer and drbitcoinve as the seller.

miguelmorales85 reviewed rmoraos

excellent seller!

Trade with rmoraos as the trust agent and miguelmorales85 as the buyer.

miguelmorales85 reviewed drbitcoinve

Good seller, recommended

Trade with drbitcoinve as the seller and miguelmorales85 as the buyer.

miguelmorales85 reviewed rmoraos

I recommend Mr Moraos, he’s a well respected member of the biggest group of bitcoin entrepreneurs in Venezuela: Bitcoin Venezuela

This review is not attached to a Bitrated trade.

miguelmorales85 linked an external account

miguelmorales85 linked an external account

miguelmorales85 linked an external account

miguelmorales85 joined Bitrated