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mariodian reviewed wilder

Wilder is a well-known crypto-anarchist in Europe and I highly respect his opinion. I’ve been trading with him for a quite some time and it’s been a pleasure.

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mariodian reviewed spider333

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spider33328 reviewed mariodian

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wilder99 reviewed mariodian

Mario Dian is a reliable trader/cryptoanarchist I know for many years.

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mariodian vouched for johncitizen

John has a deep understanding of cryptocurrencies and is great at spotting investment opportunities both in the “physical” world as well as the crypto world. John’s advices are worth gold and I consider him to be a highly trustworthy person.

mariodian reviewed Matumizuro

Matus bought some bitcoins from me and always paid on time. Great buyer!

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mariodian reviewed karolv

I’ve made countless trades with Karol and it was always a pleasure to deal with him. Highly recommended!

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mariodian reviewed SamuelLuc

Samuel is my regular customer and it’s always a pleasure to trade with him. Highly recommended!

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johncitizen68 vouched for mariodian

Mario has assisted me in using bitcoin within south east asia and always been cool to share his opinion on ideas or opportunities. I would trust Marios opinions and know that he has the integrity not to shortchange people or sell rubbish under his own good name.

karolv18 reviewed mariodian

Cool trades and money arrived always to my bank account.

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Matumizuro32 reviewed mariodian

Mario introduced me to bitcoin and helped me buy my first bitcoin. I’ll probably be buying more in the near future.

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SamuelLuc1 reviewed mariodian

I bought bitcoins from him recently and there’s nothing wrong I could say: he’s fast and trustworthy. Truly a pleasure to do business with him.

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mariodian reviewed pavoltravnik

Pavol is fast and very reliable. It’s an absolute pleasure to do business with him. Highly recommended!

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pavoltravnik6 reviewed mariodian

Absolutely trustworthy. I can send him bitcoins and I know, that money will appear on my bank account next day.

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