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Why choose me as an arbitrator?
First, I care deeply about online privacy. I use Tor and various forms of encryption on a daily basis. If ever asked by law enforcement to provide details about a transaction, I will not comply.
Second, I am the director of a scientific research lab and I was recently the editor-in-chief of a major scientific journal. In both capacities, it was necessary to settle disputes in a fair and civil manner.
Lastly, I care about decentralized commerce and cryptocurrencies. I am just doing my small part to help bring down the central banks and multinational corporations!
General Policies
All conditions of the sale must be agreed upon in advance, including shipping, cancellations, returns, and refunds. The party who ships the order is responsible for assuring proper packaging so that the item is not damaged during transport. If shipment with no tracking is used, the vendor will not be responsible if the item is never received.
Terms and Conditions
Both parties will be contacted before resolving a dispute. No attempt will be made to determine the legality of any transaction, and all transactions will be treated as a contract between two responsible individuals. I will not participate in the arbitration of transactions that I find to be morally reprehensible.
I am happy to communicate using a wide variety of secure channels, such as standard email over Tor and PGP encryption. Please contact me if you would like to use Bitmessage, i2p-mail, i2p-bote, or a secure messaging app.
email: / lunokhod@sigaintevyh2rzvw.onion
PGP key ID: 2130 C49C CBBE 6EA9
Languages spoken: English, French.
Linked accounts
BitcoinTalk activity: 248
Reddit 110 karma
Twitter 27 followers
lunokhod2 (lunokhod)