llofa72Provider of Contract Templates activity0 reviews4 vouches8 accountsLinked accountsCoinbase level 3 userLloyd FaulkCreated 11 years agoTwitter 4227 followersllofa (Lloyd Faulk)Created 17 years agoLinkedIn 243 connectionsLloyd FaulkReddit 78 karmacyshCreated 17 years agoHacker News 18 karmaskulquakeCreated 13 years agoStackExchange 1 repfallo687Created 10 years agoGoogle+ 0 followersLloyd FaulkFiverrelocalserviceLloyd FaulkAgent fees 0.4% base fee(0.08 BTC min)+ 0.8% dispute feeRank ranked #327, top 1%Web of Trust 4 total vouchesTags contract, templates, bitcoin, mediator, arbitrationJoined Bitrated 10 years agoSIN TfH4Z5nZ4U9C2m7w6RjJu7AS3jhYz8DCfKq I am not a lawyer or legal professional and as such you will not sue me. I provide the following contract templates for use: Sale of Goods Agreement Independent Contractor Agreement Assignment of Domain Name Software Development Agreement Source Code Escrow Agreement Exclusive Technology Sale Agreement Consulting Agreement Installment Loan or Note