Activity feed

tolobret2 reviewed jayson

Very good buyer. Teach me how to use escrow. Nice

This review is not attached to a Bitrated trade.

jayson reviewed HostFat

Trade with HostFat as the trust agent and jayson as the buyer.

jayson reviewed tolobret

Trade with tolobret as the seller and jayson as the buyer.

Raiexchange7 reviewed jayson

surely this guy is awesome , teaching me from 0 for trade mrai to btc , thank’s jayson GBU , i am skip mnemonic when register , this is my new id , i am raiholic , see you tomorrow to exchange mrai again thank you so much dude . really thanks

This review is not attached to a Bitrated trade.

jayson reviewed HostFat

Trade with HostFat as the trust agent and jayson as the buyer.

jayson reviewed leo21

Trade with leo21 as the seller and jayson as the buyer.

adhityarinaldi3 reviewed jayson

everyday my friend

Trade with jayson as the buyer and adhityarinaldi as the seller.

jayson reviewed HostFat

Trade with HostFat as the trust agent and jayson as the buyer.

jayson reviewed adhityarinaldi

Trade with adhityarinaldi as the seller and jayson as the buyer.

HostFat201 reviewed jayson

Trade with jayson as the buyer and HostFat as the trust agent.

ergelh20 reviewed jayson

Trade with jayson as the buyer and ergelh as the seller.

jayson reviewed HostFat

Trade with HostFat as the trust agent and jayson as the buyer.

jayson reviewed ergelh

terrific seller

Trade with ergelh as the seller and jayson as the buyer.

ismail25026 reviewed jayson

Good buyer fast respone

This review is not attached to a Bitrated trade.

ismail25026 vouched for jayson

Good buyer,, i like it,,thx before next transac again