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These medicines work by dilating blood vessels in the body; Especially around a private area. This, in turn, allows impressive blood flow to be lifted. If you are taking nitrates, you should avoid taking Vidalista 40 mg tablet or normal tadalafil as it can lower your blood pressure. This is dangerous, mostly if you have cardiovascular problems. If you have a rash, swelling of the lips, difficulty breathing while taking this drug, you should seek instant medical help. These are the signs and symptoms of an allergic reaction. Cardiac and cardiovascular diseases with aortic stenosis, idiopathic hypertrophic subarticular stenosis, and general ventricular outflow obstruction. Tell your physician about the illness you are suffering from and the pills you are taking. It can be consume with or without food. In case of overdose seek emergency medical treatment or discuss with a doctor. Cialis Vidalista 40 mg tablets are commonly used to treat male physical disorders such as erectile dysfunction. The primary element in this medicine is tadalafil. It is a phosphodiesterase type 5 inhibitor, also called a PDE5 inhibitor. Vidalista 40 mg works best when taken half an hour before physical activity. You will not get an erection unless you are physically roused.