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Housing Disrepair
- legal
- Tf3VZEAPhLuwLbj5nTSTZNrGRkaad4kAtme
If you live in or around Leeds and reported a repair to your local council or housing association landlord which still hasn’t be fixed, you can claim compensation and a refund of rent. We operate on a NO WIN NO FEE basis and can offer you a FREE HOME SURVEY to assess any damage.
Website: - https://housing-disrepair.net
Important Links
housing disrepair calculator :- https://housing-disrepair.net/compensation-calculator housing lawyers uk:- https://housing-disrepair.net/locations housing association disrepair claims:-https://housing-disrepair.net/locations/housing-association-claims council housing disrepair claim:- https://housing-disrepair.net/locations/council-house-claims