guerin10 activity8 reviews1 vouch1 accountActivity feedguerin reviewed krhedwards9 years agoTrade with krhedwards as the buyer and guerin as the seller.guerin linked an external account9 years agoTwitter 156 followersGuerin (Max Guerin)Created 16 years agoguerin joined Bitrated9 years agoPreviousPage 2 of 2Max GuerinRank ranked #2736, top 1%Reviews 8 total, 100% positiveWeb of Trust 1 total vouchesJoined Bitrated 9 years agoSIN Tf6jnpiTSVv8Eb5GCRha6BR5c1RDXoT6Cdk Linked accountsTwitter 156 followersGuerin (Max Guerin)Created 16 years ago