Activity feed

chongsetdmt-2 vouched for goto2013

No matter what you are going through, I wish that all the bad things go away from you and happiness comes to you. Have a nice day dear! Thanks you for voted my site about DC fuse, DC SPD, chống sét 100kA

Hui981 vouched for goto2013

trusted trader

goto2013 vouched for Boobgrabber

trusted seller, 10/10

Boobgrabber3 vouched for goto2013

amongst the trustworthiest people I know

goto2013 vouched for blizzen

recommendet trader, made multipe trades with him!

blizzen4 vouched for goto2013

Man with crystal ball^^

jadefalke29 vouched for goto2013

easy to do business with, always a good choice!

fydel13 vouched for goto2013

Trusted trader. Always helpful and friendly.

goto2013 vouched for fydel

trusted trader

goto2013 vouched for jadefalke

have done multiple trades, everything works fine!

very good trader!

goto2013 joined Bitrated