flashsolver19I design attractive stuff and code in different programming languages activity0 reviews2 vouches3 accountsLinked accountsLinkedIn 256 connectionsKarim AbdelwahabTwitter 410 followersincoe (Karim Abdelwahab)Created 16 years agoGitHub 1 starsflashsolver (Karim Abdelwahab)Created 13 years agoKarim A.Agent fees 0.01% base fee+ 0.01% dispute feeRank ranked #2212, top 1%Web of Trust 2 total vouchesTags design, logo design, graphic design, html, css, wordpressJoined Bitrated 9 years agoSIN TfAtPoVnn2DdAZhtfW3sCS9wXUzu8ThMdcr I draw stuff, usually logos and game art. occasionally i build mobile apps for businesses and Websites, I have a daughter who was born in 2014 (Wooho), I live and breath for her, she basically took over my world that I had to stop playing games. -.-