ffmad15Crypto Enthousiast activity0 reviews1 vouch4 accountsLinked accountsBitcoinTalk activity: 406ffmadCreated 11 years agoTwitter 103 followersffmad0 (ffmad)Created 10 years agoReddit 33 karmaffmadCreated 10 years agoGitHub 1 starsffmadCreated 13 years agoQuentin BdBRank ranked #2362, top 1%Web of Trust 1 total vouchesTags bitcoin, france, cryptofr, shadow, sdcJoined Bitrated 9 years agoSIN Tf3WD8zhPVxi5kqZsnWGPxBiHZ4zDHBzSyB I am doing development work for French Bitcoin ecosystem and created CryptoFR, a french community to talk and share on cryptocurrencies. I am also an active team member for Shadow (SDC)