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anyx22 vouched for fav

Fav is a trusted member of the Steemit community as well. :)

Riverhead6 vouched for fav

A trusted member of the Bitshares community for years. Moderates the bitsharestalk.org forum as well as participates in marketing activities. Operated a successful escrow service during the ProtoShares era.

CLains7 vouched for fav

Fav is a trusted member of the BitShares community.

benjojo4 vouched for fav

Fav has earned my trust via the Bitshares community

DataSecurityN15 vouched for fav

Already well trusted in the BitShares community.

cass42 vouched for fav

I know Fav since 2 years now! A well trusted member and global moderator on bitsharestalk.org