emerge17Founding Partner of Mosspole activity0 reviews2 vouches6 accountsLinked accountsBitcoinTalk activity: 364EnreCreated 8 years agoTwitter 255 followersOfficialEmerge (JM Erestain)Created 11 years agoLinkedIn 42 connectionsJose Emmanuel, IV ErestainReddit 22 karmaemergebtcCreated 9 years agoGoogle+ 0 followersJM ErestainFacebookJm Nacianceno ErestainJM ErestainAgent fees 1% base fee+ 1% dispute feeRank ranked #2243, top 1%Web of Trust 2 total vouchesTags community management, consulting, advisory, ethereum, development, bitcoin, cryptocurrency, escrowJoined Bitrated 8 years agoSIN Tf9TiXwixYMhidZbK9ixrZucRgHKy3NBRJV Professional Community Manager & ICO Consultant Also a programming hobbyist, blockchain tech enthusiast and Filipino serial entrepreneur. Synergy between chains