
chongsetdmt-2 vouched for david

No matter what you are going through, I wish that all the bad things go away from you and happiness comes to you. Have a nice day dear! Thanks you for voted my site about DC fuse, DC SPD: http://tudiensolar.com/

vorandrew119 vouched for david

Met him on every conference I went

odotan128 vouched for david

Totally cool guy

Gitai107 vouched for david


ripper234290 vouched for david

I met David a bunch of times in the last few years, and he seems like the kind of person I would like to do business with.

Nexus14Sn37 vouched for david


Yona64 vouched for david


nadav216 vouched for david

I’ve known david for about a year now, met with him in-person multiple times and had a great working relationship with him (as an investor in Bitrated). Very trustworthy and honest.