Activity feed

chongsetdmt-2 vouched for david

No matter what you are going through, I wish that all the bad things go away from you and happiness comes to you. Have a nice day dear! Thanks you for voted my site about DC fuse, DC SPD:

david vouched for tsotso

I went to school with him since kindergarten and known him all my life, he’s totally trustworthy

david vouched for vorandrew

We met at many local bitcoin events

vorandrew119 vouched for david

Met him on every conference I went

odotan126 vouched for david

Totally cool guy

david vouched for odotan

Long time acquaintance from the Bitcoin sphere. Great guy, I trust him.

david vouched for MeniRosenfeld

I met Meni many times in person at Bitcoin events that he organized. I would trust him my house keys.

david vouched for Gitai

I’ve met Gitai many times in person in the Bitcoin sphere - he’s a straight up good guy that I would trust doing business with any day.

Gitai106 vouched for david


ripper234289 vouched for david

I met David a bunch of times in the last few years, and he seems like the kind of person I would like to do business with.

david vouched for ripper234

Ron is an open, smart, and honest prominent pioneer of the bitcoin cummunity in Israel. I met him in person at countless bitcoin related events since january 2013.

Nexus14Sn36 vouched for david


david vouched for Yona

Yona is a great guy who has contributed a lot to advance Bitcoin in Israel.

Yona63 vouched for david