cobyism76Product designer at Intercom, full stack developer, altMBA coach. activity0 reviews3 vouches4 accountsLinked accountsGitHub 1546 starscobyism (Coby Chapple)Created 14 years agoTwitter 2105 followerscobyism (Coby Chapple)Created 16 years agoLinkedIn 269 connectionsCoby ChappleKeybase 2 proofscobyism (Coby Chapple)Created 7 years agoCoby ChappleAgent fees Free if not disputed,1.5% dispute feeRank ranked #290, top 1%Web of Trust 3 total vouchesTags security, crypotography, design, designer, developer, github, intercom, london, ukJoined Bitrated 7 years agoSIN Tf5RfevWLozBPGhzZa1HoSHHKajuPC3XMpK Senior product designer at Intercom. Previously product designer and full-stack developer at GitHub for ~5 years. Bachelor of IT with a major in network security. Working practical knowledge of cryptography and digital security.