chipusy41python/django activity1 review2 vouches6 accountsReviewsShowAllPositive (100%)NegativeSort byMost reputableNewestyerofeyev46 reviewed chipusy6 years agoA great developer with a pro-active attitude, experienced in bitcoin-related projects and is willing to learn to get things done. This review is not attached to a Bitrated trade.Maxim ChkanRank ranked #921, top 1%Reviews 1 total, 100% positiveWeb of Trust 2 total vouchesTags python, django, bitcoin, bitcoreJoined Bitrated 6 years agoSIN TfHaA2cvhxKFXAvBBJqrh1Y3kzF37e9zPfL Linked accountsPayPal verifiedChkan MaximCreated 15 years agoKeybase 2 proofschipusy (Maxim)Created 7 years agoLinkedIn 58 connectionsMaxim ChkanShow all 6 ›