bitcoinicon12Complete Digital Currency Solution activity0 reviews2 vouches6 accountsLinked accountsBitcoinTalk activity: 122bitcoiniconCreated 11 years agoTwitter 149 followersbitcoinicon (Bitcoinicon™)Created 11 years agoReddit 23 karmabitcoiniconCreated 11 years agoGitHub 0 starsbitcoinicon (Bitcoinicon)Created 11 years agoCoinbase level 0 userbitcoinicon (Bitcoin Icon)Created 11 years agoGoogle+ 0 followersBitcoin IconBitcoin iconAgent fees 1% base fee+ 1.5% dispute feeRank ranked #2476, top 1%Web of Trust 2 total vouchesTags mining pools, seed nodes, wallet daemons, paper wallets, faucets, api, cyprusJoined Bitrated 9 years agoSIN Tey9WCDFRG61hn4YKMDUAUt2dndLjw7C28L Bitcoin icon provides setup and support for digital currency platform design and infrastructure setup.