aawilliams181 reviewed TheBitcoinCPA
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RxLgqeL8zYox9pW55 reviewed TheBitcoinCPA
Kirk is highly disciplined, attentive, courteous, and works well under pressure. He saved the day for me. I hope to work with him again.
Trade with TheBitcoinCPA as the seller and RxLgqeL8zYox9pW as the buyer.
StephanieLTB26 reviewed TheBitcoinCPA
Kirk has been 100% awesome to work with on the audiobook version of his book, The Ultimate Bitcoin Business Guide. Cool to use Bitrated to complete this trade!
Trade with TheBitcoinCPA as the buyer and StephanieLTB as the seller.
wscottwebb10 reviewed TheBitcoinCPA
Can’t recommend Kirk any higher for being a straight up, helpful and honest guy. I messed up and he bent over backwards to accommodate me. The crypto ecosystem needs more Kirks!
Trade with TheBitcoinCPA as the seller and wscottwebb as the buyer.
RobMitchell3 reviewed TheBitcoinCPA
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Kirk Phillips
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- ranked #454, top 1%
- 5 total, 100% positive
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- the ulitmate bitcoin business g,, thebitcoincpa
- TfHhFr9Aj7qQxXTCPWV8Dqsf4VPzp3mg7L8
Kirk Phillips in an entrepreneur and Certified Public Accountant (CPA) passionate about technology and the possibilities for bitcoin to disrupt, decentralize and bring transparency into the business world. He is author of “The Ultimate Bitcoin Business Guide,” a first of its kind inspirational business focused bitcoin book for entrepreneurs and business advisors coming soon in all mediums including audiobook. Visit for more info. He weaves risk management into business process outsourcing, crypto business consulting and education.
He brings more than 15 years’ experience working with high-net worth business owner individuals in public accounting and private industry while launching multiple businesses including, a virtual accounting and subscription service, based on the mantras below.
Kirk recently obtained the Certified Bitcoin Professional (CBP) designation issued by C4, the Crypto Currency Certification Consortium, the DCC Certified designation from the Digital Currency Council and an Introduction to Digital Currencies Certificate from the University of Nicosia.
In addition, he holds multiple other designations including Certified Management Accountant (CMA) and Certified Fraud Examiner (CFE) to name a few. Kirk has immersed himself in bitcoin and blockchain technology and its currently only one of a handful of qualified CPA strategic advisors in the bitcoin and cryptocurrency space.
My favorite mantras are the basis for invizibiz and everything I stand for: 1) Never automate what you can eliminate and never delegate what you can automate. Tim Ferris 2) The system runs the business and the people run the system. Michael E. Gerber 3) Don’t get bogged down in the thick of thin things. Stephen Covey 4) If you need a machine and don’t buy it, you will ultimately find that you’ve paid for it and don’t have it. Henry Ford
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Kirk Phillips
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Kirk Phillips
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Kirk Phillips