StevePatterson78Author, Philosopher, Video Producer activity2 reviews1 vouch7 accountsLinked accountsCoinbase level 3 userstevepatterson (Steve Patterson)Created 11 years agoReddit 1975 karmaBrotenCreated 11 years agoLinkedIn 101 connectionsSteve PattersonTwitter 170 followersStevePatt_ (Steve Patterson)Created 10 years agoGoogle+ 5 followersSteve PattersonGitHub 0 starsBrotenCreated 9 years agoFacebookSteve PattersonSteve PattersonRank ranked #279, top 1%Reviews 2 total, 100% positiveWeb of Trust 1 total vouchesTags bitcoin, philosophy, libertarianJoined Bitrated 9 years agoSIN TfCmVhftxkm6z4mMCZZ8jVqZTDZLMGbc9Nr I am the author of “What’s the Big Deal about Bitcoin“. You can follow my work at