Rassah93Community Manager at Mycelium activity1 review5 vouches6 accountsLinked accountsBitcoinTalk activity: 1414RassahCreated 13 years agoReddit 7819 karmaRassahCreated 13 years agoLinkedIn 427 connectionsDmitry MurashchikFacebook 148 friendsDima MurshikTwitter 201 followersRassahCreated 16 years ago#bitcoin-otc 30 pointsrassahCreated 13 years agoAgent fees Free if not disputed,0.5% dispute feeRank ranked #179, top 1%Reviews 1 total, 100% positiveWeb of Trust 5 total vouchesTags russian, ukrainian, finance, accounting, economics, marketingJoined Bitrated 9 years agoSIN TfH8WkzimzFRFEHFMkShCygJJGMQJagLZDQ Have been involved in bitcoin since early 2011 as a miner, investor, consultant, accountant, director of a charity, and speaker at various conferences on the topics of bitcoin education. Currently work for Mycelium as their community manager.