Pythonwiz16Software developer, smart contract enthusiast. activity5 reviews3 vouches5 accountsLinked accountsStackExchange 699 repBrosephCreated 12 years agoGitHub 9 starsChrisCalderon (Chris Calderon)Created 12 years agoTwitter 29 followersPythonWiz (Chris Calderon)Created 11 years agoReddit 33 karmapythonwizCreated 10 years agoFacebookChris CalderonChristian CalderonRank ranked #2323, top 1%Reviews 5 total, 100% positiveWeb of Trust 3 total vouchesTags python, bitcoin, ethereum, smart contracts, serpentJoined Bitrated 8 years agoSIN TfKXGnsdMNPZagn3KJ7ey8jD5MpdrDV2CG1 I attended Whittier College as a Math major until I dropped out in 2013. I was one of the main programmers working on the Augur backend, and I still contribute.