Activity feed

cnliteve0 vouched for PilotDave

jacobhue0 vouched for PilotDave

Your writing is really great. I’m so glad I read it. It kept me hooked the whole way through.

chongsetdmt-2 vouched for PilotDave

No matter what you are going through, I wish that all the bad things go away from you and happiness comes to you. Have a nice day dear! Thanks you for voted my site about DC fuse, DC SPD:

brockchain8 vouched for PilotDave

I’ve know Dave since 2015. We have worked on a few different projects together. He taught himself a lot of different technologies and has become a really good Blockchain Architect.

PilotDave reviewed aawilliams

Trade with aawilliams as the trust agent and PilotDave as the buyer.

PilotDave reviewed timt8ion

Trade with timt8ion as the seller and PilotDave as the buyer.

aawilliams180 reviewed PilotDave

Trade with PilotDave as the buyer and aawilliams as the trust agent.

PilotDave linked an external account

mkjohnson75 vouched for PilotDave

David has been very active in the Facebook cryptocommunity for a long time. Very trustworthy.

PilotDave vouched for mkjohnson

I’ve been in multiple discussions with Mike. I trust him.

PilotDave reviewed timt8ion

He’s a go-getter and an enthusiastic speaker!

This review is not attached to a Bitrated trade.

PilotDave vouched for timt8ion

I have known Tim, since Summer 2014, through helping a few cryptocurrency related groups in parts of Africa, including SLLG, and Dream Bitcoin Foundation. We have been working together one these projects since then and helped form the African Umbrella Trust Organizaton Network (AUTOnet). We met on the last day of the TNABC 2015 and enjoyed dinner with fellow members of our organization. We have become friends and I trust Tim completely.