Dogecoin Euthanasist and Sharing Economy Proponent
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HiroJa Shibe
- Free of charge
- ranked #1222, top 1%
- 3 total vouches
- podcast, dogecoin, laughsoutloud, loves giraffes, super power can summon unicorns, and part-time velociraptor wran
- TexaETorqiiRwZyAtnsvsrZGqVHB2fhnGnt
My name is Hiroja Shibe ; I am Owner and Host of HiroJa Shibe’s Space Odyssey Network. A series of podcast shows center around technology . I am person who loves technology and loves seeing how tech is being applied in the world we all live in. I am an unabashedly enthusiastic supporter of the cryptocurrency Dogecoin and would like to apply my know how to this format. Thanks To The Moon
Linked accounts
Reddit 1509 karma
Twitter 807 followers
MusingsOfAShibe (Musings Of A Shibe)
Google+ 74 followers
Hiroja Shibe