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Jacques Reulet
Hi, I’m Jacques Reulet formerly of the Coinbase Compliance team. I’m happy to offer my services on Bitrated!
Feel free to check me out at or shoot me a line at
I charge NOTHING on all transactions under $150 as long as I don’t have to get involved. Otherwise, I charge (a negotiable) 1% on all transactions.
Each party will email me for payment arrangements. Once a transaction is started, I expect to be responded to if I contact you. If one party does not respond for 5 days after my email, I will send the transaction to the other party.
I’m quite reasonable, but I do expect some basic terms to be set and agreed to BEFORE you initiate the transaction. Look them over, because they will be the basis of my decisions. That being said, bait-and-switch technicalities and loopholes will not fly. I will be fair, ethical, and impartial.
Disclaimer: I will not be party to any illegal activity.
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jacques (Jacques Reulet)
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Jacques H. Reulet II
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Jacques Reulet