A businessman tho provide a service for those in need of a service. the serv
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- scam, scams, mediator, arbitrator, negotiator, problem solver, solves problems, scam protector, protector, overseer, third party, party of the third, happy ending, bitcoin escrow, buying with escrow, buying with bitcoin escrow, bitcoin, holding bitcoin, go between, between go, deverting scammers, converting outcomes, outcomes, 3 people
- Tf3u7equSvn3LTRozbRCCfAmW7pwYYtbhJa
I consider myself the businessman that will provide a service for those in need of a service because if I don’t someone else will. That someone else many not provide the service as diligently or honestly as I do. I am a buyer, I am a seller and I am an arbitrator. I try and find a wholesome solution that everyone involved can be happy with in the end.
No one likes the feeling of being scammed except the scammer. Those of us having been scammed often ask ourselves why was I so stupid. Stupid had nothing to do with it, you were politely mislead by a smooth talker and we all have been there. Scammers know just how to slither their way into your inter being as if they are hypnotizing you to do their bidding. Scammers are good but their are always those that are better. In the end those that are better always bring the scammer to their knees.