
alogan7 vouched for HostFat

A very trust person and staff of bitcointalk, always avaible to help others.

Stemby31 vouched for HostFat

The most trusted person in Italy.

bertani111 vouched for HostFat

Very trusted user, president of the Bitcoin Foundation italian chapter and moderator of the bitcointalk italian subforum

BitcoinVeneto44 vouched for HostFat

trusted person, and bitcoin evangelist, off course

ghibly7979 vouched for HostFat

Long time trusted member of the bitcoin community, president of bitcoin foundation Italy

Alchimista32 vouched for HostFat

I know him in person. Definitely trustworthy.

Anonymous3959 vouched for HostFat

in my opinion the most trusted person in the italian bitcoin community.

ParmaBit45 vouched for HostFat

I know very well this guy, he is involved in btc since 2010. I escrowed him many times, excellent transactions trust me