Guru117CEO at Lodus Play LTD. (aka Hashware) activity7 reviews11 vouches8 accountsLinked accountsPayPal verifiedShalom CohenCreated 16 years agoFacebook 888 friendsShalom CohenLinkedIn 242 connectionsShalom CohenGoogle+ 37 followersShalom CohenTwitter 16 followershasHWareTech (Shalom Cohen)Created 10 years agoBitcoinTalk activity: 8hashwareCreated 10 years agoCoinbase level 0 userShalom CohenCreated 10 years agoReddit 0 karmahasHWareCreated 10 years agoShalom CohenAgent fees Free if not disputed,0.05% dispute fee(0.02 BTC min)Rank ranked #90, top 1%Reviews 7 total, 100% positiveWeb of Trust 11 total vouchesTags software, hardware, consultant, trust, guru, technology, bitcoin, cryptocurrencyJoined Bitrated 10 years agoSIN TewweQFuRLET94nojfpGp9TKgrmyofgVyMs People call me Technology Guru, as I always got the answers :) If I’m here I guess I’m a bitcoin lover like you…