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Fused Flora LLC
- healthcare, medical product
Address: 2650 Jefferson Davis Hwy #2222 Phone: (512) 588-2808 City: Stafford State: Virginia Zip code: 22554 Website: Fused Flora LLC is one of the fastest-growing online Kratom vendors operating from Stafford, Virginia. In addition to Kratom, we also deal in other botanicals like Akuamma Extract Powder, Hirsuta, Magnolia Bark, Javanica, Blue Lotus, Mulungu, etc. We offer quality botanicals at a very reasonable price without any impurity. We use 4 independent suppliers to get the Kratom and other botanicals and deliver them to you. We have verified all of our suppliers to ensure that botanicals are thoroughly rinsed and dried before they reach us. After processing, our products are vacuum sealed and pass through some other steps in our processing facility. We use the best shipping methods to get the high-level organic Kratom and other botanicals to you as soon as possible. So, if you are looking to get quality Kratom look no further than Fused Flora LLC.