Dmcl325i41A normal guy wanting to see cryptos thrive. activity0 reviews2 vouches6 accountsLinked accountsPayPal verifiedDaniel MaclochlainnCreated 11 years agoCoinbase level 1 userDaniel MaclochlainnCreated 8 years agoLinkedIn 39 connectionsDaniel MacLochlainnGoogle+ 12 followersdaniel maclochlainnTwitter 0 followersDmcl325i (Daniel Maclochlainn)Created 7 years agoFacebookDaniel MaclochlainnDanielAgent fees 0.1% base fee(0.005 BTC max)+ 0.9% dispute fee(0.01 BTC max)Rank ranked #909, top 1%Web of Trust 2 total vouchesTags engineering, gaming, automotive, computers, airports, motorsports, ecu tuning, cryptocurrencyJoined Bitrated 7 years agoSIN Tf7ejGYs1hWrrMHbApMKs3qxwGvCSzQtVdy Offering fair and honest arbitration services to do my part in helping cryptocurrency evolve and improve. Any disputes will be fully investigated to the best of my ability and decisions made fairly.