
fav92 vouched for DataSecurityN

Edit: DataSecurityNode @ bitsharestalk.org

cass42 vouched for DataSecurityN

Top man!

CLains7 vouched for DataSecurityN

DataSecurityN operates a nuclear bunker data center and is a trusted member of the BitShares community.

Riverhead6 vouched for DataSecurityN

Very active member of the Bitshares community. Vocal on most issues, runs Bunker Mining operation to raise awareness and attract new users to Bitshares. Exists as a public figure - hard to hide when you run a 64k sq/ft data center buried in a bunker.

benjojo4 vouched for DataSecurityN

DataSecurityN has earned my trust via the Bitshares community

chongsetdmt-2 vouched for DataSecurityN

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